OSCI has a flexible and responsive governance structure comprising:
- a single presidency in the form of a President and a Co-President who direct the federation
- a Committee, which is the executive body
- a Board of Directors, which determines strategy
- a General Delegate who implements the decisions made
- Ambassadors who convey the federation’s views to the partner organizations
- Working Groups, consisting of members who want to work together on particular themes
- Interregional Delegates, who coordinate the members in their regions
- Country Delegates, who coordinate the members in their countries
This decentralized governance, overseen by the Board of Directors, the President and the Co-President, is what gives OSCI the efficiency it has today.
OSCI’s board of directors
Chloé BERNDTPresident
Hervé DRUARTCo-president
Nicolas RODIQUEAdministrator
Thierry MERMETAdministrator
Soreasmey KE BINAdministrator
Laure NAVILLEAdministrator
Sébastien OUMAdministrator
Christel GUIDONAdministrator
Sylvie PREGEVOLEAdministrator
Anne MARTEL-REISONAdministrator
Céline BAPTAdministrator
Linda FOURNIERAdministrator
Camille VERCHERYAdministrator
Arnaud LEURENTAdministrator
Gaëlle BALDET-LADANAdministrator
Permanent team
Emmanuelle PIANETTIGeneral Delegate